6 Benefits of Radical Softness
benefits changemaker radical softness Mar 20, 2023
Image depicting plants, candle, and dried flower arrangement on a side table with a bed or sofa with white pillows and white blanket next to it.

6 Advantages of The Radically Soft Method™ 

The Radically Soft Life™ is a unique & powerful blend of skillful methods dripping in love. It's a whole lifestyle. 


It’s powered by The Radically Soft Method™ which brings all my life skills, education, certifications, and experiences into play. I’m talking decades of anthropological and curatorial excellence, over a decade of embodiment and mindfulness experience, almost a decade of energy work, 5 years of mothering/nurturing/protecting, and these last 3 years (the era of world trauma and tumultuousness 2020-2022) of experimenting to bring this together in the most loving, harmonious way. 


The Radically Soft Method™ is my ultimate offering to the world and below are 6 huge benefits:


1. Reintroduces you to yourself as a soft, safe, landing space for your being.

The starting point of this method is re-establishing yourself as your home base. This means coming out of constant dissociation. This means moving the body 15-20 mins daily. This means meditating daily. When the world is throwing you seemingly nothing but struggle and conflict, it is extremely important to be able to feel at home and at ease in yourself.


2. Anchors you to the now, a place rich in space and possibilities.

Speaking of the endless struggle that comes along with adulting, it’s essential to not get caught up and spiral downwards in all the negative things. There’s so much more than that and the place where it all goes down is in the present moment. This is our reality. It's not the memories which have morphed 10x over since an actual event happened. Reality is what is in front of us right now and it’s bursting with potential. This is where you get aligned with yourself and take skillful action.


3. Introduces a radical loving gentleness towards self that radiates out into the world. 

Being able to fill yourself up with love is a prerequisite for soft living. If this seems an impossibility, there’s no way you can ever be genuinely gentle with yourself and others in your community. This is about embracing the quiet to see what lies underneath and face it with so much kindness, curiosity and love. For so many, the hum of agitation when things quiet down is just too much to bear! But it is manageable and The Mindfully Soft Method™ provides you with the tools and practice.This is the key building block for creating a world we want to live in.


4. Equips you with tools to manage the -isms, stress, difficulty, exhaustion, depletion, stuckness, overworking, exploitation.

Did someone say tools?! You know what keeps getting in the way of creating the life you want? Well, life itself is the culprit! The Buddah said that one of the basic truths of life is that there is suffering in the world. There’s no way around that fact. And what do we expect? We expect that if we do X, Y, and Z, we will get around the whole suffering thing. And you know what that does? It creates MORE suffering! So instead of ignoring, getting busy, or living in your head, my method provides practical and wildly simple tools to help you face all these -isms without shutting yourself out of being your wonderful self. Without shutting yourself out of feeling and experiencing life fully.


5. Gets you crystal clear on what makes your soul sing.

This is the most fun benefit of The Radically Soft Method™.  This is where you take a deeper inward look to see what resonates and why. You pinpoint where your values lie. Knowing your values helps you to easily set clear intentions. Daily, monthly, lifelong dead-on intentions.  There is a lot of energy work done within this part of the process and it is truly empowering. You no longer second guess your desires no matter how different they may be from the status quo. And you prioritize getting this work done because you’re clear and confident.


6. Ramps up your energy, creativity & focus to confidently take actions that create a soul-aligned life.

Now that you’re so clear on what the depths of your being need to lovingly express, you’ll find that you have the energy to make it happen. No conjuring up energy you don’t have to squeeze out something for capitalist sake. But you just gotta do it realize your being and liberate yourself from all that’s been holding you back from being you. Its important to stay close with the other 5 pillars as you take action to prevent depletion and getting too far out of yourself and the present moment. Keeping your actions aligned with the other pillars is how you maintain that softness as you create and experience the world.

Sign up for the Radical Reflections newsletter to learn more about the method and the first-class educational experience I’ve developed to help you reimagine and master this soft yet energetically aligned way of living. 


Have questions and want to learn more around being radically soft? Join the free online community: The Rad Softies!


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11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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