Six Soft Steps to Success

aligned action-taking Aug 25, 2023

Grit seems to be the buzzword in the entrepreneurial world (I have an article on that here) but the word itself implies pushing through hardship, no matter what, amirite? And do you need that pressure on top of all the pressure your family puts on you and that you put on yourself? I think that’s a negative.

How about this instead?

How about you tap into your vibrant and authentic spirit to see your creative and caring visions through to fruition. Plus lean less heavily on the outcome looking a particular way. Does that sound better? Because the world doesn’t need another person masking who they are with perceived toughness and grit. Or one who's easily unraveled when things beyond their control don't go their way.

We desperately need you to show up as your authentic self and take hold of one of those intricate and innovative ideas swirling around in your psyche sending tingles through your body. Take hold of it. Nurture it. And make it happen. Be curious about how it turns out instead of controlling it. If it's bringing you so much joy and sense of optimism and possibility, let it be free cos it's going to do that for us too.

Making that creative vision a tangible thing is success indeed. It doesn’t take nothing to do that. So make sure you’re combining self-nurture with practical action steps to make your thing a real thing without burning out.

6 Soft Steps to Success:

  1. Nurture yourself daily.
    If we realized how many days in a row we go without proper sleep, nutrition, exercise, or rest, we’d be appalled. That’s why we shove that crap to the very back of our minds. Bringing any amount of awareness to this will likely make you feel the aches, fatigue, and the constant anxiety pangs in your chest. Walking around so dissociated makes it harder to conceptualize a path through which our vision can become reality.
  2. See your vision/Set intention.
    Taking a day or half day to simply be and reflect and allow ourselves to dance playfully with our vision helps to solidify it and helps us to see how to make it a reality. Combine this with spending time in nature and journaling about it and you have some powerful stuff to work with and distill into an intention you want to see happen in the next 90 days.
  3. Make a 90-day plan.
    Set no more than 5 doable goals that you can accomplish in the next 90 days to manifest this intention. Set any sub-goals and tasks that help you visualize, step-by-step exactly how this is going to happen. Take notice of your energetic capacity and describe where it is right now. Set goals that are achievable at THIS energy level, not where you think it's going to be in the future.
  4. Don’t force it.
    When I say “don’t force it” I don’t mean “don’t do anything.” I mean to notice when you’re struggling and squeezing and pushing your creative vision through. You don’t want that desperate and scarce energy on this art from your very soul. Take a moment, breathe, notice what might be in the way and go from there. I want you to walk this vision through, not crawl over a bed of nails.
  5. Put your vision out in the world.
    As you take action towards your vision, you will complete some things and put a check mark there and be so proud of yourself. Yay! Make sure you’re ALSO putting those completed things out into the world and not holding onto them for fear of being visible. For example, how great is it to finish that IG content for the week? Excellent! But you have to actually post it so it can do its part to support your creative vision. Put your content, your teachings, your projects out there full knowing that it will truly help someone.
  6. Let go of expectations.
    Once you put your thing out there knowing it will help at least one person. Let it go. Let it be. Let it live. You have no control over the path it will take. It's up to you instead to nurture it and guide it towards a sustainable and impactful future.

As you play around with that idea that’s been brewing in the back of your mind, now’s a good time to really flesh it out and make it a reality. You’re a creative who cares and ideation is your thing. Now it’s time to carry those ideas out to fruition. 


Unleash Your Soft Side

11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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