My Top Tips for Creating an Irresistibly Soft Life: Get Crystal Clear on What You Want

getting intentional Jun 01, 2024
Asian woman fixing her hair in the mirror in a dark room. Overlay handwriting font reads: "get crystal clear on what you want"

Your creativity excites you. You daydream all day about these amazing creative projects but you’re jarred into reality by an email ping which reminds you to go to Room 127 for your next meeting. Ugh. In the meantime, you wake up every day, staring at the clock, counting down the minutes until you can finally clock out…. 

This is the reality for so many driven, heart-led creatives who feel trapped in that 9-5 job with its predictable and comfy paycheck. You have a burning desire to create, to live a life that expresses your truest passions, but you're stuck in the grayscale monotony of the corporate world and you can’t fathom the next step you should take to get out.

Here’s a next step hint: Making that leap from your 9-5 to pursuing your creative goals isn't just about quitting your job. It's about getting crystal clear on what you want in life and nurturing yourself along the way. It’s about understanding that your goals aren't just a destination; they’re a journey, a journey made all the more wonderful when taken with a big dose of softness. 

In this article, we’re going to explore how you can create a softer, more fulfilling life by knowing exactly what your goals are and what the driving force is behind those goals. This isn’t just about being more productive; it’s about being more alive, more in tune with your true self, and more capable of turning your creative dreams into reality.

So, grab a cuppa ☕️, find a cozy spot, and let’s dive into this one thing you MUST do in order to have an irresistibly soft life.

But before you do, take a moment to take the poll below to see where you fall in the scheme of having clarity on what you want out of life.


The Importance of Clarity in Achieving Goals

Why Clarity Matters

Think of your creative journey like setting out on a road trip. Without a clear destination in mind, you might find yourself driving in circles, wasting time and energy. Clarity is your roadmap—it shows you where you’re going and how to get there. Without it, you’re just wandering aimlessly.

When I first decided to leave my good government job to pursue my dream of teaching yoga and energetic healing full time, I was overwhelmed with possibilities. I wanted to do everything—help mamas like myself, start a blog, tie in fashion, lead a reatreat. But without clear goals, I was spreading myself too thin and not making real progress in any area. It wasn’t until I sat down and got crystal clear on what I truly wanted that things started to change. This took me years to figure out! I realized my ultimate goal was directly tied to my natural ability to inspire and empower people to follow their dreams. This clarity gave me the focus I needed to create a crystal clear goal and take actionable steps towards it.

Defining Your Goals

Start by asking yourself some deep, introspective questions:

  • What are you most passionate about?
  • What do you want your life to look like in the next 5-10 years?
  • What are the specific outcomes you want to achieve?

Write down your answers and look for patterns. This process helps transform vague desires into clear, actionable goals.

The Difference Between Vague Desires and Clear Goals

A vague desire might be, “I want to be a successful artist.” But a clear goal is, “I want to create a portfolio of 20 paintings and exhibit them in a gallery within the next year.” See the difference? One is a wish, the other is a plan. With a clear vision, you can start taking small steps—registering your business, creating a website, creating a portfolio. Each of those steps lead you to where you want to be before you know it.

By defining clear, actionable goals, you give yourself a roadmap to success. This clarity not only boosts your productivity but also your confidence and motivation. So, take a moment to sit down, reflect, and get crystal clear on what you want. Your creative journey will be so much smoother and more fulfilling when you know exactly where you’re headed.

Discovering and Honing Your Hidden Powers

Reflecting on Perceived Weaknesses

We all have traits we’ve been taught to see as weaknesses. For many creatives, sensitivity is often seen as a vulnerability. However, what if I told you that this very sensitivity is one of your greatest strengths? Changing your perspective in this way can significantly soften the path to calling in and calling forth the life you want.

When I first started my creative journey, I struggled with my sensitivity. Hard. I’d get so overwhelmed by criticism that I would stop projects in their tracks. I also was strongly emotionally tangled with my services and offerings so I was unable to objectively see my way forward to what made the most business sense. But as I began to reflect on this trait, I realized that my sensitivity was actually a powerful asset. It allowed me to connect more deeply with my audience, to understand and convey emotions through my work in a way that resonated profoundly with others. I was able to let go of the ways I allowed my sensitivity to bind me and embrace the ways it empowered me and my creative goals.

Turning Weaknesses into Strengths

Reflecting on your perceived weaknesses can reveal hidden powers that you might not have acknowledged. Here’s how you can start uncovering and honing these hidden powers:

Concrete Ways Your "Weaknesses" Help You

  1. Sensitivity: Instead of seeing sensitivity as a weakness, recognize how it enhances your empathy and emotional intelligence. This trait allows you to create work that touches people’s hearts and souls.
  2. Introversion: If you’re introverted, you might think it hinders your networking abilities. However, introversion often brings a deep sense of focus and the ability to form meaningful, one-on-one connections, which can be incredibly valuable in creative projects.
  3. Perfectionism: While perfectionism can be paralyzing, it also means you have a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence. Learning to balance this trait can lead to producing thoughtful, high-quality work.

Benefits of Understanding Your Hidden Powers

Understanding these hidden powers can transform your journey towards living the life you want in several ways:

  • Increased Confidence: Recognizing your strengths boosts your self-esteem and helps you approach your goals with greater assurance.
  • Enhanced Creativity: Embracing your unique powers allows you to more easily tap into a deeper well of creativity and originality.
  • Improved Relationships: Understanding and valuing your own positive qualities can help you connect better with others, both personally and professionally.
  • Greater Resilience: Seeing your weaknesses as strengths empowers you to be more resilient in the face of challenges and criticism.

Reflection Questions to Uncover Your Hidden Powers

To start uncovering your hidden powers, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What traits have I always considered weaknesses?
  • How have these traits positively impacted my life or my work?
  • When was the last time my sensitivity (or other trait) helped me connect with someone or solve a problem?
  • How can I leverage these traits to achieve my goals?

By reflecting on and embracing your perceived weaknesses, you can discover hidden powers that will help you achieve your clarified goals. These hidden strengths not only make you unique but also give you the tools you need to succeed in your creative journey. Embrace your sensitivity, introversion, perfectionism, or other “weaknesses,” and watch how these traits, once seen as hindrances, become your superpowers.

Understanding Your Big Picture Vision to Sustain Motivation

Why Connecting to Your Big Picture Vision Makes Achieving Goals Effortless

Knowing the "why" behind your dreams is the fuel that keeps you energized and moving forward without pushing and struggling, no matter how challenging the road gets.

Understanding the deeper reasons behind your goals helps you stay motivated and connected to your vision. It’s about recognizing your values, beliefs, and intentions—the driving force that makes achieving your goals not just possible, but inevitable.

When I decided to leave my previous museum career to pursue my creative passions, it wasn’t just about escaping the 9-5 hustle. I wanted to inspire others to follow their dreams, to create outside-the-box projects that empower and uplift. I wanted to show my children that they can connect with their passions, gifts, and talents and make a living putting them forth into the world in a meaningful way. This big picture vision kept me going during tough times, reminding me why my work matters.

Discovering Your Big Picture Vision

To understand your big picture vision, start by asking yourself the key question: "Why do I want this dream to happen?" Delve into your values and beliefs to uncover the intentional driving force behind your goals.

Questions to Help You Understand Your Driving Force

  • Values: What core values are most important to you? How do these values influence your goals?
  • Beliefs: What beliefs do you hold about yourself and the world that shape your vision?
  • Intention: What positive impact do you want your work to have on others or the world?
  • Emotional Connection: How do you feel when you think about achieving your goal? What emotions drive you?

Reflecting on these questions can help you connect to your deeper motivations, making your goals feel more meaningful and attainable.

The Power of Values, Beliefs, and Intention

Connecting with your values, beliefs, and intentions provides a powerful source of motivation. It transforms your goals from mere tasks into a mission that aligns with who you are and what you stand for. Here’s how this connection can help:

  • Sustained Motivation: When your goals align with your core values and beliefs, you’ll find it easier to stay motivated, even during challenging times.
  • Meaningful Progress: Understanding the intention behind your goals gives your actions a sense of purpose, making every step you take more meaningful.
  • Effortless Action: With a clear big picture vision, your goals become more than just items on a checklist. They become a part of who you are, making the pursuit of these goals feel natural and effortless.
  • Released Busywork: When you have that deeper knowledge of what motivates you and where you’re headed, you can more easily let go of the busy work that is distracting you from your purpose.

By connecting with your big picture vision, you align your goals with your deepest values and intentions. This alignment not only sustains your motivation but also makes the journey towards your goals feel effortless and natural. So, take the time to understand your "why" and watch how it transforms your creative journey into a fulfilling and inspiring adventure.

In closing: Finding clarity on what you want in life and nurturing yourself along the way is essential for any driven, heart-led creative ready to break free and pursue their true passions to live an irresistibly soft life. Let's recap the three key points that will help you on this journey:

  1. The Importance of Clarity in Achieving Goals: Clear, actionable goals are your roadmap to success. By defining what you truly want, you can take focused steps toward achieving your dreams.
  2. Discovering and Honing Your Hidden Powers: Reflect on traits you consider weaknesses and recognize how they can actually be your greatest strengths. Embracing these hidden powers boosts your confidence and enhances your creativity.
  3. Understanding Your Big Picture Vision to Sustain Motivation: Connecting with your deeper values, beliefs, and intentions is the driving force behind your goals. This alignment makes achieving your goals feel effortless and keeps you motivated.

Now it’s your turn to take action. Start by defining your goals, embracing your hidden strengths, and connecting with your big picture vision. Reflect on the questions provided in each section and take the time to understand what truly drives you. Remember, this journey is about more than just achieving goals; it’s about creating a soft life that aligns with your true self.



Unleash Your Soft Side

11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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