Four Reasons to Embody Essence
radical softness soul essence Jun 15, 2023


What is essence?

Our soul essence is who we are at our core in the most genuine and natural way. It is the part of us that holds some level of mystery as we are incapable of completely defining/describing it. It is the part of us that is unwavering as we experience life’s struggles and changes. It is as it is no matter our environment or other external influences. Our essence is the unique way we dance with life no matter the circumstance.

What does it mean to embody your essence?

Embodying your essence means getting crystal clear on who you are at a soul level beyond external factors and finding ways to live out that soul expression on a daily basis. It's about normalizing being who you truly are, not who you (or others) think you are. Its about aligning who you know you are with how you show up in the world.

Four reasons why you should embody your essence:

1. To know exactly what you desire to do and be at this point in your life

Do you know yourself? Like radically know yourself? For the most part, people just don’t. And its sad. And its why the world is the way it is right now. Folks are out there taking big actions based on desires that they aren’t even sure are their own. This brings chaos and frenzy. Inner peace arises from being utterly aware of what makes you feel whole. Your actions naturally begin to align with that. Your confidence swells. You let go of what other people think of you and you realize that only YOU can know and do what’s best for you.

Don’t get it twisted, this isn’t about forsaking community. This is about finding your proper place in community. Too often, the quest for self knowledge seems to stop with the individual. On the contrary, learning about who you are and what you want to do gives you insight into your role as part of the whole.

2. To fill the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Its one thing to know who you are. Its another thing entirely to live who you are. You picking up what I’m putting down? When we languish in limited self awareness, we accept much more BS. When we know our essence, we can see that inconsistencies in how we are living as opposed to a daily life that nourishes our soul. That knowledge empowers us to create and follow a roadmap that gets us to a soul-aligned daily life.

And when the complications and hurdles arise, you’ll more easily and confidently get back to your roadmap. Its essential to note here that our roadmap can and likely will change. Cornering ourselves into something static belittles the soul’s perfect complexity. Allow change. Change is guaranteed.

3. To be energized and delighted to bring more of what you have into the world

A lot of people struggle with being their genuine selves. Its über exhausting and its layered. The first layer is about lack of self awareness, the second layer is chock-full of some serious self doubt and there’s a 3rd layer of self love deficiency. When you tend to those layers to become aware of your essence, increase your self confidence and have a consistent practice of self love (and I’m not talking about slathering a mud mask on your face)--the results are life-changing. For real, for real.

First and foremost you begin to notice when your actions are in alignment with your soul essence because they flow; you don’t have to push or force them to happen. The energy there is just abundant. Which means, conversely, that you easily pick up on when things aren’t quite right because the friction is palpable. You struggle. Your energy is zapped.

Then, the resulting contentment is fulfilling. Is there any another kind? Yes, the 10 second-lasting happiness you feel when you buy something new or taste good food. Yeah, this isn’t that. The joy you feel from showing up outside embodying your essence is lasting. Plus the more we actively embody ourselves the more this lasting joy is accessible. You’ve likely felt it before as a child or when lots of things are in alignment in your life out of nowhere. But these moments are fleeting. To drop back into that energized and delightful flow, you must check back in with your essence, listen carefully, and go from there.

4. To be able to land safely in the current state of your being.

I’m willing to bet that you haven’t landed in your new self after the major shifts felt over the past few years with the pandemic, highlighted social injustice, climate emergency and all the other things going on in your personal life on top of that. Many folks are out there holding on to past identities that don’t work in this current reality. Past ideologies, beliefs and desires must be released to make space for what your soul is yearning for right now. Because its different. You’re different. Its time to discover who that new self is and gracefully embody her.

Discovering the soul-level self takes time and expert guidance. Its a commitment and a process. Slowing down is required. If you’re at a point in your life where this sounds like exactly what you need, invest in my 1:1 Embodied Essence Activation Program.

Download my free e-book, Introduction to Radical Softness now to do some essence-learning activities!


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11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

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Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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