Creatives: The Secrets to Softness
creative multi passionate multi-hyphenate radical softness Jul 18, 2023



If you’re a creative at heart and a career creative, 9 times out of 10 you’re connected to your work in a way that most people aren’t. Your creative work gives a glimpse to your soul whether you’re creating influencer content, visual art, articles, books, or choreography. Actually that’s pretty cool as everyone doesn’t get the chance to express who they are on this level. 


But, it can also be super frustrating and out right paralyzing.


When our soul essence and what we do in the world (especially for financial compensation) are intrinsically linked, we feel the bumps in the road much more intensely. We don’t get the external validation we seek because we aren’t pursuing the stereotypical square box careers such as doctor, lawyer, and whatever else is more easily accepted by society. (No shade!) Without that validation, the multi-passionate creative can get easily sidetracked. They can self-sabotage their creative pursuits. They can feel like, “well maybe I don’t know what I’m doing,” and accept a more traditional path they’re not passionate about. They can feel easily defeated and overwhelmed.


There is a way though; a way to fully embody being a creative, a multi-passionate one at that, and thrive while doing so.  The way is radical softness. Putting yourself out there as a quirky, unique creative being means you have to have your own back first. It means you need your own system of self nurture and self validation so you can confidently create. 


I developed my Radically Soft Method to do just that. It’s meant to help you flourish and delight in life even as the hardships show up. It's not meant to ignore the shitty moments, but to face them directly with the proper tools of softness to move through them. Whole.


The following 6 radical softness foundations ensure you to flourish and flow in authentic expression of your creativity:

  1. Know Your Values. When you’re clear on your values, it has a ripple effect. Knowing your particular values (and not the ones you think you should have) helps alleviate imposter syndrome, allows you to live in a way that resonates with your values, enables you to make wiser decisions and increases your confidence.  Get clarity on your values by listing them out and choosing the ones that resonate the strongest.

  2. Set Daily Intentions. Setting an intention to guide the quality of your day helps you more easily focus on what matters. It’s not exactly setting goals. Setting intentions builds on your understanding of your values and you choose which value(s) you want to embody for the day. It then becomes easier to detect the busy-work you involve yourself in that gets in the way of you immersing yourself in your creative work. You can get to the work that matters most without succumbing to distractions.

  3. Routinely Pause throughout the Day. Setting a daily intention is one thing, but living in that intention for much of the day is a whole other thing. This is why it is so important to do the simple practice of pausing several times throughout the day. We get spun up in our doing and some people are so used to doing that they find it excruciatingly hard to become still. But stillness is a necessary part of living intentionally. When you stop doing all the things, take a deep breath, and “be” in the moment, your creative self reaps the benefits. You’ve been dreaming of daily intentional living for far too long. Let’s make it a reality. Download your free Daily intention Routine worksheet now.

  4. Show Yourself Love. One thing most people are good at? Good ol’ harsh, criticizing self talk. We want to beat other people to the punch at judging ourselves negatively so that when that external judgment comes it doesn’t feel so bad. But there’s no way around that. What’s more, being kind to ourselves creates a more nurtured inner atmosphere that allows us to bounce back much more easily from the negative outpourings of others. Being intentionally kind to yourself might take a little practice but if you do a Metta, loving-kindness, meditation daily, you begin to allow real self-love in through the cracks of your heart and it's a gamechanger to say the least. If you’re sick of being harsh to yourself, pull up a seat and practice this free Loving Kindness meditation!

  5. Visualize a Future you Desire.  Do you read fiction? Do you ever delight in the exploration of a world imagined by your favorite novel author? Imagining is so underrated! Sitting and daydreaming, imagining a future that you would love to be in is an essential activity for the thriving creative. Take the time to do this periodically and WRITE down the future you want and describe it in as much detail as possible. This is Manifesting your Reality 101!

  6. Have Healthy Boundaries. You’ve taken the time to learn about yourself, intentionally live, love on yourself, and dream up a future for yourself that’s oh-so-worth pursuing. My creative darling, you MUST have healthy boundaries to keep your inner world of softness, knowing, creating, and flourishing intact. Periodt. And boundaries don’t look how you necessarily think. The social media world is telling you to say “nooooooooooo” to everything and to cancel anyone who does the slightest unapproved act. Boundaries are more nuanced than that, especially when you’re establishing self-protective measures in relation to folks you genuinely want to stay in healthy relation with. I have a course on boundaries coming soon and I will place it right here when it's finished!


These practices will set you up with a nurtured Self that supports you more than you can ever imagine. Actually, try it out! IMAGINE creating from this abundantly spacious place! Get ready to trust in your creative talents and wow yourself with what comes up.


Unleash Your Soft Side

11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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