How I Created a Soft Life…
benefits radical softness Jun 19, 2023

The Soft Life is all the rage on social media but before you blindly declare you’re all about #thesoftlife, consider adding a healthy dose of mindfulness to the equation so your softness can be sustainable and REAL. 


Its easy to spiral into thinking of #thesoftlife as living your “best” life, quickly ramping up credit card debt to emulate the influencers showing off luxurious travel and clothing. But honey, let me tell you something: capitalism is anything but soft. So let me show you the real-real of what The Radically Soft Life™  is and why you don’t want to miss out. 


I’ve been experimenting with and perfecting my Radically Soft Method™ over the last few years to take care of my mind, body, and soul while creating a business that truly brings my radiant, joyful energy into play and also raising 2 boys under 5 years old as an expat mama. I realized I needed to embody my authentic self as I faced my lowest lows. I also needed a path, a trail of crumbs to easily find my way back if I got off track. In the back of my mind, I knew I had to help others do the same. It felt (and still feels) like my calling.


I finally figured that I had to pull out all the tools I have in my toolkit (yoga, mindfulness, energy balancing, creativity, radiant joy, curiosity about life, errthing!) to make this work. I brought in a universal perspective with my anthropology background. I flexed my curator skills using careful discernment, appeal, and additional research to make this puzzle of tools into a comprehensive framework. 


If I didn’t harmoniously bring together everything I had in my being, I was going to lose myself as I drowned in the struggles and hardships I faced. 


And they were REAL. 



Through trial and error, I figured out that I have to give myself, to a radical degree, everything I need to have even a remote chance for my desires, hopes, and dreams to come true. And let me tell you–it works!!! Every time. Let me share some examples. Giving to myself 1,000-over meant (and still means):


  • Being extremely embodied thus having access to intelligence the average person doesn’t even know about
  • Completely letting go of perfectionism and the need to be validated by others
  • Listening to my body to know when I need to rest & when I need to create/ take action
  • Having strong boundaries steeped in love for myself, my boys, my people
  • Being patient with myself and others during moments of difficulty and disagreement
  • Taking the time to send oodles and oodles of love to myself (yoooo, people truly do not do this)
  • Staying connected to community and nature


These are just some of my radically soft loving practices. But you get the idea, yeah?!


And what’s the result?


  • I’m building a business from the ground up and not stressed about it at all 🧘🏾‍♀️
  • I stay fulfilled from my work because it is truly aligned with my talents and purpose
  • I give patient love and care to my children and can make sure their needs are met
  • I’m in community with fire 🔥 people whom I absolutely love and respect and we feed each other’s souls
  • I can manage my difficult (currently necessary) hardships and relationships without being depleted
  • I connect with nature and delight in the activities that bring me joy
  • I no longer need to seek happiness in buying outlandish amounts of unnecessary things
  • I’m not stuck on the things I can’t do at the moment, I acknowledge them and I bask in the privileges and freedoms I have right now.


I’m sure I’m forgetting to list some crucial thing here, but hopefully this gives you a sense of what is possible with this method I developed for you and for me. For humanity.

If you want to stop perpetual social media scrolling and empower yourself to finally write that book you’ve been dreaming of, learn more about how The Radically Soft Method™ works here.

The Radically Soft Life™ is a unique & powerful blend of skillful living dripping in love. It's a whole lifestyle.

It’s powered by The Radically Soft Method™ which brings all my life skills, education, certifications, and experiences into play. I’m talking decades of anthropological and curatorial excellence, over a decade of embodiment and mindfulness experience, almost a decade of energy work, 5 years of mothering/nurturing/protecting, and these last 3 years of experimentation to bring this together in the most loving, harmonious way.

The Radically Soft Method™ is my ultimate offering to the world and it has 6 areas of focus:

  1. Reintroduces you to yourself as a soft, safe, landing space for your being. The starting point of this method is re-establishing yourself as your home base. This means coming out of constant dissociation. This means moving the body 15-20 mins daily. This means meditating daily
  1. Anchors you to the now, a place rich in space and possibilities
  2. Introduces a radical loving gentleness towards self that radiates out into the world. This is the key building block for creating a world we want to live in
  3. Equips you with tools to manage the -isms, stress, difficulty, exhaustion, depletion, stuckness, overworking (exploitation)
  4. Gets you crystal clear on what makes your soul sing and how you’re gonna take action on it
  5. Ramps up your energy, creativity & focus to confidently take actions that create a soul-aligned life 


Want to get started right tf now on living the Radically Soft Life™? Download my free e-book, Introduction to Radical Softness, to drop right into some essential activities to live more softly. You’re welcome!



Unleash Your Soft Side

11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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