What is Softness

soft life Jun 19, 2023
Black or mixed heritage woman sitting on bed meditating.
updated April 25, 2024

So, what is it?

The Softness Method™ is a gentle self-support framework that, when fully engaged:

✔️anchors your core being into the richness of the present moment, 

✔️moves you through life’s complexities softly, 

✔️and increases your energy to get after that which your soul desires.

Oh the rewards of committing to softness are real. Learn about 6 benefits of Radical Softness here!

The Softness Method™ teaches you how to enact softness on a daily basis. Honey, this ain’t a quick fix. Softness is a slow and intentional process meant to successfully create a habit of nurturing your inner environment in your daily life. It’s made up of 5 pillars which can stand alone or work together seamlessly to create an honest-to-goodness soft life.

Wanna know why and how this concept of softness came about? Get all the tea 🫖☕️ right here.

Now let's take a look at those 5 pillars so you can get started on your softness journey right away. You're doing much of this in your life already, its about cultivating awareness to amplify and receive the benefits of those actions.

The 5 Pillars of Softness

1. Explore your nature and your soul level desires

Most of my clients have some level of high sensitivity mixed with high ambition. Its important to really explore these parts of the self to gain deeper self awareness and understand what makes you tick. Cultivating a deep level of self understanding leads to more confidence and helps you let go of the habits and ways of thinking that are keeping you from being your true self. This also leads to being able to better understand what it is you want to bring to the world; what makes your soul light up. That way, you can direct your sensitivity and ambition superpowers towards making it happen.

2. Softening + Slowing

Slowing down might sound like the end of the world to someone who's driven and high-performing but it is the essential practice to bringing softness to your life. And it doesn't mean that you have to literally go at a snail's pace, it's more about getting super intentional with your actions.

In addition to slowing down, I introduce self-nurture practices in this phase like rest periods (breaks), intentional movement (like yoga or qi gong), energy work, and meditative practices. These are the overt and obvious soft practices of my method although all 5 of the pillar practices work together to create powerful and sustainable softness. Yoga in and of itself, for example, isn't a standalone, sustainable softness practice.

3. Become a Delegate for the Authentic Self

Everybody and their mama is talking about boundaries these days. And when you see anything about boundaries on social media, it's almost always about saying "no!" Well, what if you're a sensitive, gentle soul who has survived in life by people-pleasing? It's nowhere near easy to go from anticipating the needs of others and shaping your life around making sure the people you know and love come first to yelling "no!" when a little discomfort hits the scene of conversation.

Instead, being a true delegate for self is about mindful communication. Its about having the clarity and self understanding needed to communicate the support you need and the energetic limits that you place on your time, space, actions, etc. This definitely includes enacting healthy boundaries but in a way that is in alignment with someone who more easily senses energy disruption and other people's emotions.

4. Letting go of Masking

For those of us who lead our lives from the depths of heart and soul, we've learned to cover up that part of ourselves to survive in a harsh world. I daresay that this harsh world needs more of the bold, unique and creative force that comes from sensing, doing, and being from the heart's core. So it's past time to let go of covering up who you are for the sake of comforting those who aren't as tuned in with those parts of themselves.

Being your true big-hearted and driven self is how you let go of hardening, toughening up, being strong and surviving using someone else's rules and not your own. This is a huge step towards softness. And it takes courage, a sense of adventure, and being led by your heart instead of being led by fear. Its one of the bravest acts you'll do over and over again in your life. The benefits are pure gold: you'll have unwavering confidence, be a better protector of yourself, and feel a sense of safety and security that was missing when you struggled and struggled to toughen up, put your nose to the grind, and do things the way everyone else around you does them.

5. Intentionally Authentic Living

Intentional living is learning how to be accountable and living out this life with a structure to actually execute and create, bringing life to something outside yourself.  If you’re a creative, for example, or if you’re on the path or even just thinking about creating something–a book, an album, a painting, a web design, a business, a club–you know how the blockages to finishing what you start are a-plenty. So many never even start out of fear or doubt.

Intentionally authentic living is first about setting layers of soul-aligned intention. The focus and embodiment that come with this helps sustain your internal softness. The second element is about taking intention-aligned action. Once you're clear on your intention, it becomes much easier to notice what you're doing that's just busy work and let it go so that your daily actions are leading you back towards your true self every single day. Increased self love, anyone? Yes, that's definitely a by-product of Intentionally Authentic Living.

As you can see, you can experience each of the Softness Method™ pillars sequentially or one pillar may apply more directly depending on what you’re experiencing in life at the moment. 




Unleash Your Soft Side

11 things I quit to soften my life (that will definitely work for you too!)

Kleidi Jeen

Ready to enter your soft life era? Here's the recipe: softness is 60% self-care, 20% vision, and 20% action.


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