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8 Ways to Live a Softer Life Right Now

(and break the burnout cycle while you're at it)

Let me guess: you're ready to enter your soft life era but there's not enough bubble baths in the world to smooth the rough edges of your life. If current soft life advice is giving you burnout instead of ease, download this cheatsheet to break free of that hard life chokehold. Get ready to:

  • do some major mythbusting around soft life practices floating around on social media
  • learn someΒ  practices that actually help make life less stressful and softer
  • finally feel like there's nothing wrong with you if hair appointments and expensive bags don't feel soft & easy for you
this checklist will help you:

Identify common misconceptions about what comprises soft life practices

Stop trying to embrace softness with practices that ignore underlying stresses

Get curious and explore ways to live softly and experience more ease

I'm Kleidi Jeen


I'm an acclaimed softness coach who helps driven, sensitive souls let go of toughening up to succeed and do their thing from a nurtured, authentic place. Since 2012, I've facilitated somatic movement and mindfulness meditation to thousands internationally. I've facilitated dozens of healing sessions virtually and in-person using my expertise in multiple healing modalities.Β 

And now, I want to give you access to my methods & formulas.

β€œShe helps you start to listen to your body in a way that you can’t always get at from an app.”


β€œShe is a joy to experience! She is who she is on and off the mat and on and off the teaching floor.”


You CAN live a soft life

It starts with getting clear on what does lead to softness and what doesn't. Grab the checklist to learn what is commonly conceived as soft living, but actually keeps you mired in hardship.